R: Re: Possible inclusion of zram-config on default install

Fabio Pedretti fabio.ped at libero.it
Sun Dec 9 08:32:07 UTC 2012

>it's a definite win for large configurations infrequent swapping, much 
>more additional RAM), as well as for small configurations where there's 
>a lot of swapping (faster than swapping).
>I wrote and use an init script that breaks up the zswap into n devices, 
>1 per cpu execution thread, to fully parallel the operation.  If you 
>swap 64KiB at once with 8 core plus hyperthreading, the kernel will do 
>16 4k pages in parallel under that configuration--big, multi-CPU, 
>hypethreaded servers (it's a big 30% gain with parallel like threads, 
>i.e. compression) benefit much from this.

This is also done by zram-config package.

>Less useful in VMs, where such things should really happen at the 
>On 12/07/2012 05:32 PM, Fabio Pedretti wrote:
>> It would be nice if Ubuntu could include zram-config by default. This 
>> set up compressed RAM swap space and can lower RAM requirements for running 
>> installing Ubuntu. It should be a win for every configuration. Since kernel 
>> the zram module is out of staging, I am using it since precise with no 
>> The bug request is here:
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zram-config/+bug/381059

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