How to install Precise without getting screwed?

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at
Fri Apr 13 09:44:59 UTC 2012

2012/4/11 Dane Mutters <dmutters at>:
> There's somewhat more to it than that.  The major issue (among many other
> issues) is that the new GUIs don't do the things that used to be available
> on the old one (Gnome 2).  Example: I can't add a good system monitor to
> Gnome 3 because the old gnome-system-monitor applet (being an applet at all,
> apparently) is incompatible with Gnome 3.

Not sure about the system monitor applet case (I'm not using one), but
there is at least indicator-multiload now. For me, usually using
development versions and not sticking with LTS, losing the weather
information was unfortunate at the time. Currently I'm personally not
missing anything anymore (although weather info should be a default
feature), and the Unity in 12.04 feels more productive than GNOME 2
ever did. Mostly because of super + (shift + ) numbers, super + (shift
+) alt + arrows and the Dash search features, plus the screen space
(even though I've 1600x900 display). The search features for accessing
recent documents and apps is much nicer than browsing through the
menus, at least after getting used to it.

It did take learning time to become not annoyed with Unity, although
now if I'd start with 12.04 the situation would be more welcome,
because it's that much more stable and faster. I'm not that much
against change, so the biggest irritation for me was all the bugs
previously. Also the simple thing of showing quick help when keeping
Super pressed down helps a lot in learning how to use Unity more
powerfully. I can understand the pain people have gone through if
using Unity since 11.04 (I didn't start to use it back then). I was
annoyed with the lack of application menu for a long time, but finally
nowadays using the search feels natural and fast, plus navigating
menus manually on 10.04 LTS machines feels clunky. Super + A is also
available for an access to a list, but I'd prefer it'd be expanded
without an extra click.

Still, it's not for everyone of course, and is a big change as a
sudden switch kind of thing. I also hadn't even realized the missing
graphical way of doing desktop launchers, so I learned something from
this thread as well. Obviously I haven't used desktop launchers for
anything, since I prefer using terminal anyway for such use cases that
I could possibly do custom launchers. And I have a big .ssh/config,
yes :)


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