How to install Precise without getting screwed?

Dale Amon amon at
Sun Apr 1 11:52:37 UTC 2012

With the release date for the new LTS coming
rapidly, I am faced with a quandary. There are
things in Precise which I need; I do not like
to be behind the curve for updates and such;
but I just *cannot* have my desktop mucked about

I make my living off consulting, so this is
a serious monetary issue, not just a simple
matter of taste.

I've built up a working environment that lets
me react to customer needs quickly and has
everything I need for my day to day operations
close at hand. I cannot afford to lose that,
nor can I take an extended time to figure out
what to do in an entirely new environment.

Just as an example, I have about 30 terminals
on my desktop. Clicking on one of them puts
me directly into a server somewhere. I can
have a customer on the phone, click once and
be dealing with their problem almost instantly.
I have skype, gringotts,pigeon and other apps 
which I need instant access to on my top toolbar.

So the question is, how can I install Precise
and *NOT* have Unity put me out of action and
cost me days of work getting rid of it and
getting my working environment back to normal?

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