Ubuntu System Restore

Gaurav Saxena grvsaxena419 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 06:01:23 UTC 2011

Hello Aaron
Thanks a lot for your quick reply.

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Aaron C. de Bruyn <aaron at heyaaron.com>wrote:

> In Windows, the ability to snapshot is built into the filesystem.
> In Linux, you must be running a filesystem that supports snapshots.  I
> know LVM supports snapshotting and I believe BRTFS has support, but
> other than that I'm not sure.
> Yes I read the logic behind windows system restore. But I think we can take
some other approach for this, that will be better as all users won't be able
to spare an extra partition formatted brtfs.

> Basically, your program would have to check the file system that is
> used on the computer (remember Linux can have many types of file
> systems mounted at the same time), then (in the case of LVM) make sure
> there's enough free space to snapshot, and finally take the snapshot.
> Ok. Do I have to snapshot the whole system partition / important system
files to the brtfs partition ?

> When the snapshots start filling up, you would either need to delete
> them or detect the low space and resize them.
> In my personal opinion, snapshotting in Linux is currently a pain in
> the rear.  It sounds like BTRFS could change that, but it's still a
> ways off.
> Ok.  I will try another approach that will be better as suggested by people

> -A
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 21:00, Gaurav Saxena <grvsaxena419 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I want to write a windows system restore like program for ubuntu , which
> > will have options for creating restore points for the system and then
> > restoring it back to that point. Also I will as an extension provide
> support
> > for older version of a file as is in windows currently. I need your help
> to
> > find how to start with this in ubuntu. I know that I have to snapshot the
> > system when creating a restore point and then restore it. I need some
> > starting pointers so that I can start doing this work. Also if this has
> > already been done please inform me. I got this idea from
> >  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemRestore.
> > --
> > Thanks and Regards ,
> > Gaurav
> >
> > --
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Thanks and Regards ,

Thanks and Regards ,
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