MSOffice usage comfort: Wine or VM+Rdesktop?

Mihamina Rakotomandimby mihamina at
Thu Sep 1 13:51:52 UTC 2011

On 09/01/2011 04:27 PM, Francis Bolduc wrote:
> Ah, and if your boss obliges you to use Microsoft Word, you should try
> to convince him that producing Microsoft Word documents with
> LibreOffice is functionally equivalent, but without the license fee.
> Business people usually understand "free as in beer better" than the
> "free as in speech".

I'll try to make the template with LibreOffice and see if the rendering 
is acceptable in a virtual MSOffice.

If I have success, I'll keep using LO.

This will tkae some of my time, but I'll try it to keep my freedom.

PS: No way to convice him, he's a MS "power user". So sad.


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