Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 59, Issue 18

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 15:33:36 UTC 2011

Lack of encryption is a security issue that's no different from any
other protocol on a LAN (like NFS).  If you don't trust the LAN then
you tunnel the connection through SSH, VPN, etc.  My major problem
with scanner access is device permissions:

Alternative solution - PHP Server Scanner:

This is a PHP re-write of Linux Scanner Server
(http://scannerserver.online02.com).  I created some patches for LSS
but the PHP version has more features (and is probably more
maintainable).  My patch for LSS is at:

Either is much better than phpSANE.

Also, just noticed this:

There are probably other solutions out there also (like the Avahi
integration which didn't function when I tried it on Lucid).

On 10/26/11, ubuntu-devel-discuss-request at lists.ubuntu.com
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