Brainstorming for UDS-P

Martin Owens doctormo at
Wed Oct 12 15:29:23 UTC 2011

On Wed, 2011-10-12 at 10:17 -0400, Rodney Dawes wrote:
> Given that libmad is GPL and has not paid license fees to implement
> the
> MP3 codec, it is not legal. Whether or not you disagree with the
> validity of patents or not is irrelevant. 

It's not patents I disagree with, it's the idea that patent owners can
make up the law as they go. And as I've said, you can't be sure that
libmad violates those patents and needs a license, Acatel just assumes
you do and you just assume you do and don't give the issue enough doubt.
Unknown probability is not certainty over this particular racketeering

And that's all these emails are about; ensuring everyone is aware of the
doubt that exists with legal issues when non of us are legally qualified
to throw cast iron statements about.


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