Empathy Notification

Ronan Lucio ronanlucio at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 13:05:02 UTC 2011


When somebody talk to me via Instant Message (empathy), Ubuntu-11.10 change
to it's message icon color to blue, in the upper panel.

This behavior is just perfect to me.
I just think the notification popup should have a "Reply" or "View" button.

So I just click on the message icon and down to the chat option, where the
dialog box opens.
Usually, after answering the message, I back to the other applications and
start working.

The problem is, when my fellow reply my message, and the empathy dialog box
is still opened (not on focus), Ubuntu doesn't change the message icon
color (to blue) anymore.
It continuews showing the popup notification. But, what about when I'm not
in front of my computer?
When I come back to work, it's supposed to be some kind of notification
(color of the message icon changed to blue), as all other systems/IM used
to do.

Could anybody tell me where should I register this idea?

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