icinga 1.3.1 and 1.4.0 for lucid / natty

Michael Friedrich michael.friedrich at univie.ac.at
Thu May 12 06:30:39 UTC 2011


I'm not sure if it's the right place to ask, but I was a bit confused by 
the bug tracker, demanding different versions for different releases. 
Even more, I am not sure who takes care of porting the Nagios / Icinga 
packages from Debian to Ubuntu.

So please excuse my n00bish question on how to get at least Icinga 1.3.1 
(bugfixed 1.3.0 release) into the stable tree (maybe as backport) into 
lucid and natty?

And even - when official Debian pkg are there in backports, expected 
soon - bring Icinga 1.4.0 from yesterday's release into the experimental 
or testing tree.



DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, Austria

email: 	michael.friedrich at univie.ac.at
phone: 	+43 1 4277 14359
mobile: +43 664 60277 14359
fax: 	+43 1 4277 14338
web:	http://www.univie.ac.at/zid

Icinga Core&  IDOUtils Developer

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