Eventually drop the top-panel?

Clint Byrum clint at ubuntu.com
Sat Jun 25 15:42:20 UTC 2011

Excerpts from Kai Mast's message of Sat Jun 25 04:35:07 -0700 2011:
> Hey Guys,
> I was wondering with adding functionality to the dash like indicating 
> progress or a message counters, are there plans to drop the indicator 
> menu and with it the whole top panel?
> This would mean that we could drop all the "maximize to panel" and 
> globalmenu-patches. Functionality like the sound menu could also be 
> included into the jumplist of the dash...
> Is there really still a need for indicators? I hardly use them...

I click the messaging menu when it has turned blue because somebody sent
me an IM.

I click the networking menu to choose between wifi networks and/or
tethering with my phone.

I also use it to turn off bluetooth when I'm not
using.. well.. bluetooth. If it weren't an indicator, I wouldn't know
whether or not to turn it off.

Don't even get me started on the sound indicator, which is crucial so
I know ASAP whether or not I'll disturb those around me when in a quiet

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