An idea/feature request for incorporating a "Classic" menu into Unity

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Thu Dec 1 12:02:10 UTC 2011

Le 01/12/2011 04:02, Ray Perigo a écrit :
> There seems to be much griping going about regarding Unity, in 
> particular the lack of a "classic" menu - admittedly, I'm one of those 
> gripers. I see no reason why a simple applications (a-la GNOME 2.x) 
> menu can't be added as a right-click function on the Dash button. This 
> sort of menu is a must-have for a lot of users, and this sort of 
> implementation would allow it to coexist peacefully with the Dash/Lenses. 

You can probably install easily something doing that, see for example

Sebastien Bacher

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