Default Desktop Experience for 11.04

Patrick Goetz pgoetz at
Fri Apr 8 17:38:21 UTC 2011

On Fri, 8 Apr 2011 08:55:06 Martin Pitt wrote [regarding Unity]:
 > I couldn't have believed it even two months ago still,
 > but today I feel the same. When I switch back to
 > classic GNOME it feels inferior now; I'm particularly
 > missing the super-fast keyboard shortcuts/search/navigation
 > and bigger screen real estate.

I just got my first hands on look at Unity 2D.  One thing we noticed is 
that the application menus now live in the taskbar?  Is there any way to 
change this?  I'm assuming most developers and power users use point to 
focus, as we do.  Having the menu in the taskbar creates a unique 
problem for point to focus users; namely suppose I have a firefox window 
with a terminal just above the browser.  If I move the mouse up to, say, 
add a bookmark, the mouse pointer passes through the terminal window and 
focus shifts to the terminal before I can ever get to the firefox menu. 
  I think I can set a time delay for point to focus, but this is most 
inconvenient when I'm bouncing back and forth between 2 terminals on the 
same screen.

Are KDE 4.x, gnome 3, and Unity a message to command line users that our 
time has come and we should shuffle off to the nearest available nursing 
home, receiving a complimentary iPad to enjoy while sitting in the 
rocking chair?

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