Brainstorming for UDS-N - Edubuntu

Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at
Thu Sep 30 14:14:45 UTC 2010

Hi Ubuntu Developers

(snip original very, very long e-mail about Edubuntu originally typed)

Here are some ideas we've been discussing in Edubuntu for Natty and
Natty+1. They probably won't fit in to one single Ubuntu track, so I
opened a new thread on this list (hope that's ok). They aren't all
intended to be implemented and some ideas will most certainly require a
lot of planning and discussion.

We've never had a shortage of ideas before, usually just a shortage of
people to implement them. Having said that, additional ideas are always
welcome and this list will probably grow a bit in the lead-up to UDS.

=== Installer ===

 * More options for desktop environments
 * More LTSP options for LTSP options screen
 * Fix delays caused in installer by installing almost all available
Ubuntu language packs, then removing almost all of them again except for
the one that the user chose
 * New Ubiquity slideshow

=== Edubuntu Server ===

 * Create meta-package that could be used on ubuntu-server that installs
and if possible, configures edu-webapps
 * Test latest moodle packaging efforts done in Debian and sync
 * Assist Schooltool team early in release to get final remaining Zope
dependencies in the archives
 * Take a new look at central authentication in Ubuntu and how it can be
simplified, in particular the work done by Opensys
 * Investigate other potential server side apps and tools and find a
better way to deliver them (web apps are a pain)

== Edubuntu Artwork ===

 * Update the breathe-icon-theme to remove old (brown) Ubuntu references
and make it more modern, make panel icons more appropriate and in line
with Ubuntu artwork, while maintaining some playfulness
 * Refresh Edubuntu colours and update GTK theme, plymouth theme, GDM
login, etc to be more consistent, fix current artwork bugs

== Edubuntu Documentation ==

 * Edubuntu 11.04 installation guide, release notes, release announcement
 * Edubuntu LTSP Tips and Tricks Document
 * "Glue documentation" between upstream documentation for Edubuntu for
tools such as Pessulus, Sabayon, iTalc, Nanny, etc. Explain Edubuntu
specific differences.
 * More instructional videos on YouTube, make better use of the awesome
YouTube community that have already created a bunch of screencasts,
feature videos on website/planet.

== Edubuntu Desktop ==

 * Zeitgeist admin integration, allow administrators to get summaries of
what users have been up to
 * Qimo Gnome session with desktop-profiles
 * Sugar session
 * Remove ltsp-live from menus and add it to boot options when choosing

== Edubuntu Meta ===

 * Possibly include one or more of the following: pencil, geogebra,
pdfmod, new italc, openspell [needs-packaging], calibre, freeciv,
lybniz, melting, linthesia, gimpbox [needs-packaging], ttf-sil-andika,
stellarium, planetarium, celestian
 * Replace scribus with scribus-ng
 * Fix depends for qcad-doc on qt3-assistant
 * Work with Kubuntu to fix kde-edu dependencies, currently an entire
KDE session is installed on Edubuntu that we don't really want since
it's not configured at all

== Edubuntu website ==

 * Feature our users prominently, show the world where Edubuntu is used
with photos, stories and videos
 * Add an Edubuntu marketplace, showing where Edubuntu support and
services can be found, including companies that sell pre-installed
Edubuntu systems such as Zareason and System76 (discuss with Canonical
folk at UDS)


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