alternative to hardcoding system util paths

Cosme Domínguez cosme.ddiaz at
Thu Sep 16 23:07:31 UTC 2010

2010/9/17 Stephen Burke <steve.burke.56 at>:
> I'm writing a python script and I'm using aptitude and update-grub in
> the script.  Currently I just use the abolute path to the bins ie.
> /usr/bin/aptitude.  Ultimately I'd like to package it and distribute
> it as a deb.  What's the recommended way to get these paths so they
> will work on any user's machine?  Are there any environment vars that
> I should use or a service of some kind?
> Any help or pointing in the right direction would be appreciated or if
> there is a better list to post this let me know.

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