libc profiling... can anyone use this?

Paul Smith paul at
Fri Oct 29 17:08:45 UTC 2010

Hi all; I've been trying to use gprof to profile some of my code and the
profiling results for my code only seem to account for about 5 seconds
of runtime, out of a total of 40 seconds.

So I installed the profiled libc library installed and I'm trying to use
that to try to figure out where the rest of the runtime is going.  When
I attempt to link with -lc_p as described in the libc6-prof README file,
etc., I get linker errors and/or immediate segmentation faults when I
run it.

I've filed a bug a few days ago with details:

Has anyone else been able to get this working?  Am I just missing
something here?


PS. Yes I know about valgrind but I was hoping to use gprof in this
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