Patch Pilot: already a huge success!

Clint Byrum clint at
Mon Nov 29 17:25:16 UTC 2010

I just wanted to publicly acknowledge that the patch pilot program, from
my perspective as a contributing developer, is a huge success already.

As somebody who is only now ready to apply for any kind of upload rights
to Ubuntu, I rely entirely on sponsorship. Up until now, I've been
having to bug people close to me for sponsoring or wait a long time in
the queue for a short "hey this looks wrong fix it" message and then
back in the queue for a while.

With the patch pilot program, a few devs have been able to find me, ask
questions, make suggestions, and then in the same time period upload my
fixed branch. It seems that 4 hours of solid time allows for realtime
collaboration and a solution to be reached, rather than 1 hour each week
where sponsors are just trying to address as much as they can.

I won't try and name all of the patch pilots who have helped so far, but
thanks to everyone who has taken the call so far. Its really a breath of
fresh air for those waiting for sponsorship.

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