FOSDEM - Distribution Miniconf

Laura Czajkowski laura at
Mon Nov 15 20:34:56 UTC 2010


I was wondering if Ubuntu plans to have a presence at FOSDEM this year.  
It is one of the largest open source events in europe and in the past we 
haven't really taken part in this event apart from having a community 
presence at it and running a stall at it.  There have been some 
individuals at it, however I think we should be there in a greater sense 
like many other distributions.

This year following on from last years success FOSDEM is running a 
Distribution Miniconf and I think we should if possible  try and have a 
few talks/sessions over the two day 

The reasons for this is that over the last two years I've noticed many 
people commenting on our lack of attendance at this event given its 
history (now 11th year) size of participates 6000-6500 and over 300 
talks, we really should be there.


Skype: lauraczajkowski

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