I am looking for packages with checks

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 10 20:22:20 UTC 2010


We currently daily build some packages that embed extensive tests in the
build process. I want to extend the tests for either build-time tests or
a binary that runs it.

I am now looking for either:

* packages with extensive tests on build time
* packages that build an extensive test binary

Emphasis is on Main packages, but all that have such tests are
interesting for us.

I already know of the following (as of Maverick, updates to Natty welcome):

 * libvirt
 * postgresql-8.4
 * mysql-server-5.1
 * openldap
 * php5
 * python2.6
 * coreutils

Although I am basically looking for server packages, I am willing to
consider other flavours. So, if you know of such packages, please tell me.



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