LiveCD optimisations

Conrad Knauer atheoi at
Mon May 24 18:46:42 UTC 2010

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 3:33 AM, Conrad Knauer <atheoi at> wrote:

> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Louis Simard <louis.simard at> wrote:
>> Optimising the PNG images saves 5.5 MB on the filesystem.squashfs.
>> Optimising the SVG files saves an additional 7 MB. This is a total of
>> 12.5 MB which could be used to pack more software or another language
>> pack or two onto the LiveCD.
> Speaking of saving space on the LiveCD, I note on
> that F-Spot is supposed to be bumped (in favor of Shotwell) for
> Maverick.  Does this mean that we can finally remove Mono now too?
> (Tomboy can be replaced with Gnote; gBrainy can be replaced with some
> other game... it's not like there aren't lots to pick from :)  Anyone
> have an estimate of how much space would be saved by doing that?

claims it's about 40 MB...


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