Windows controls: new button layout

Davyd McColl davydm at
Sat May 8 14:40:33 UTC 2010

on Sat, 08 May 2010 10:38:12 +0200  Oliver Grawert wrote:
> the problem here is that you very likely didnt have a user setting for
> it (it wasnt necessary since the default pleased you). only the system
> default changed and if there is no diff between your setting and the
> system default there cant be any prompt (beyond that, your user setting
> would just override the system setting silently if there was one).
It would have been really appreciated if someone had thought of this in the
case of package upgrade. Better still, this change shouldn't require one to
have to open gconf-editor and find the place to set it -- most people that I
know who use Ubuntu don't even know what a window manager is -- let alone
that their window manager is called metacity. This should have been a
toggle-switch on the "windows" preferences dialog, something along the lines
of "look like a mac/look like windows". I know a lot of users from the
Windows world who won't appreciate the new setup and I'm going to have to
teach them about metacity, gconf and how to work with settings -- most of
these people have also been brow-beaten in the past not to use regedit,
which, let's be honest, is quite analagous to gconf-editor.

Like I said: just my 2 cents' worth. I've worked around it, no real problem
(though I did need to google to remember that metacity had this as config in
gconf). But the option should be presented to the user, not just
implemented, imo -- most especially since it's a break from the average
desktop (which is Windows) and it's a break from prior behaviour.

The competent programmer is fully aware of the limited size of his own
skull. He therefore approaches his task with full humility, and avoids
clever tricks like the plague.
- Djikstra.
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