Chromium for Xubuntu?

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at
Thu May 6 16:47:21 UTC 2010

On 6 May 2010 17:30, Charlie Kravetz <cjk at> wrote:
> On Thu, 6 May 2010 11:01:26 -0400
> John Moser <john.r.moser at> wrote:
> Perhaps the best fit of all would be midori, which is part of Xfce
> development now. Is chromium still in beta? I don't seem to keep up
> with all of these anymore.

Chromium is operating in continuous release model with "channels":
they have trunk, dev channel, beta channel, stable channel. All of
these are getting continious releases with trunk being the fastest and
stable being the slowest. They haven't made a release tarball & it
doesn't look like they are planning to. Pick a channell and you will
get security & improvements & bugs in all of them in different
proportions and latency.

Chromium daily ppa is packaging trunk & beta channels similar codebase
that google is using in their linux builds.

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