Hide name in Indicator Applet Session

Lorenzo De Liso blackz at email.it
Sun May 2 15:55:11 UTC 2010

Il giorno dom, 02/05/2010 alle 17.42 +0200, Sebastian Geiger ha scritto:
> Hi,
> is ist possible to hide the name of the user in the indicator applet 
> session?
> Currently the Indicator contains the off-button a green circle and the 
> name, but the name is uncessesary and uses a lot of space, I tried right 
> clicking on it but there is no preferences option. Is there any other 
> way to hide the name so only the green circle remains? I would remove 
> the indicator completely but it is bound to the shutdown button which i 
> need.

just do a right click on it and then select "Remove from the panel" a
left click.


Lorenzo De Liso 

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