too many virtual terminals by defaut

Brandon Kuczenski brandon.kuczenski at
Wed Mar 31 20:15:03 UTC 2010

"Dear Mr. President.  There are too many states nowadays.  Please 
eliminate three.  I am not a crackpot!"

Why in the name of all that is good?  My process list features 7 gettys, 
it's true, but they're utterly insignificant compared to the 194 other 
processes that come out of 'ps aux'.  This includes over 60 system 
processes (denoted with square brackets).  If you're worried about 
'human readable' process lists, why not start with those?

Moreover, some people actually use multiple consoles.  For me, what you 
propose would be quite different from an 'enhancement.'  IANAD, but it 
seems like you're inventing a problem that doesn't exist, then proposing 
something mildly offensive to fix it.


Jérôme Bouat wrote:
> Hello,
> I think that only 2 virtual terminals instead of 6 would be enough.
> I understand that most of the memory of the virtual terminals is shared. 
> However, it would decrease the number of processes (more human readable 
> process list, less processes context switch, ...).
> There is no small enhancement.
> Regards.

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