lucid and 2.6.33?

schoappied schoappied at
Tue Mar 30 21:34:43 UTC 2010

schoappied wrote:
> Oli Warner wrote:
>> Just one point to make here
>> On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:01 PM, Paul Smith <paul at 
>> <mailto:paul at>> wrote:
>>     I used to [compile my own kernel] all the time but it's been years
>>     since I needed
>>     some new feature enough to spend the effort of compiling my own
>>     kernel,
>>     rather than just using what came with my distro and waiting a few
>>     months
>>     for the next distro release.
>> Normally I'd completely agree but there are two high-end consumer 
>> features missing (AFAIK) from .32:
>>  - ATA TRIM to stop SSDs grinding to a halt
>>  - Intel i7 turbo boost optimisations
> I think you missed at least one. There is not RT patch for the *.32 
> kernel. So problems for the ubuntu studio team to deliver an good 
> Realtime kernel, needed for music production. That's bad new for all 
> the musicians and producers who are using Jack, Ardour etc.
There is a RT patch for the *.33 kernel...

~ D

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