building ubuntu apps

Jan Claeys lists at
Tue Mar 23 16:35:18 UTC 2010

Op vrijdag 19-03-2010 om 11:19 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Rene
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Jan Claeys <lists at> wrote:
> > Op donderdag 18-03-2010 om 19:14 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Rene
> > Veerman:
> >> i'm getting a bit tired with nautilus' 90's-style quirks.
> >
> > What exactly do you consider 90s-style about it?
> just about everything..
> it's manual advertises "skin everything as you wish", but in reality
> only the content pane can be skinned. c

As I replied to your bug report: the manual doesn't say you can "skin
everything you wish" (at least not that I can see), it says you can put
a background into some panes.

BTW: I'd consider a background in any nautilus pane to be rather
annoying and very 1990s, but that's my personal opinion of course... ;)

> it's tree component has pre-90's user-interaction rules.
> compared to the user interface features of win7's tree, it's very
> annoying to work with.
> explaining the details would take too much of my time atm.

> several other of it's user-interface design are just outdated,
> inefficient for the end-user.

I know about some mouse-interaction-problems (mostly related to drag &
drop) with nautilus that have bugs in Launchpad & GNOME Bugzilla.
Fixing those requires some changes (additions) to the Gtk TreeView
widget ("class" if you want).

Not sure it's the same issues you're talking about...

> I also need to know how to plug into the various window-dressing APIs
> that ubuntu sports..

I'm not sure what you mean with a "window-dressing API"?

> > I have no idea what "win7's win-explorer tree" looks like or is able to
> > do...
> and c for yourself :)
> it's very hip, imo.

Considering that free software and some other open source models rely on
copyright as one of their means to be successful, I don't think
promoting copyright violation will be appreciated here (and in addition
to that it's illegal of course).

If you want to file a bug about what you think should be supported,
maybe you can point to a screencast showing off that feature...?

Jan Claeys

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