Evolution & Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Paul Smith paul at mad-scientist.us
Tue Mar 9 00:08:29 UTC 2010

On Mon, 2010-03-08 at 23:02 +0100, Sebastien Bacher wrote:

There are plenty of stability problems with 2.28; I subscribe to the Evo
mailing lists and people are constantly posting about this or that
database corruption, missing mail, etc. etc. (note this is with standard
IMAP or POP support, not Exchange--either OWA or MAPI).  The general
consensus seems to be that ever since the sqlite change back in 2.24
there have been definite issues, and these have not yet been worked out
in 2.28 either.  I think the 2.28 glasses are a little rosy in this

No one is working on those issues at all that I can see, except insofar
as some stability issue is fixed in 2.29 and backported (pretty rare
these days).

> There is no perfect solution and either ways some users will be unhappy,
> if your real issue is the mapi support why don't we try to see what we
> can do about this one?

Indeed.  That would be lovely.  What do you propose?

> > Let's be honest.  No one is going to follow the RHEL packaging of Gnome
> > 2.28 and be porting Evolution fixes into the Ubuntu repository.  Ditto
> > for Debian.  And certainly the Gnome devs won't be making new releases
> On what do you base those comments? In fact upstream just roll 2.28.3
> less than a week ago and agreed to keep commiting changes to gnome-2-28
> git when it makes sense to make collaboration between the distributions
> which will stay on those versions for a while easier. We do often look
> to fixes from other distributions too and lts versions do get new
> versions of GNOME usually too.

I base my comments on having used Ubuntu for 4+ years now.  I've never
known a single Ubuntu release to ever roll out a complete Gnome service
pack released after the Ubuntu release.  Occasionally there will be a
single app or two bumped, typically if a security fix is discovered.
Even for the last 8.04 LTS, which used Gnome 2.22, the final Gnome
service pack was 2.22.3 (released July 2008) and the large majority of
the Evolution, in particular, packages are still (today) using 2.22.1.
A couple of Evo packages are at 2.22.2, for security fixes, and nothing
is at 2.22.3.

As for Gnome, a 2.28.3 service pack is part of their official roadmap
and completely expected.  Are you saying that they are committing to
2.28.4 etc.?

Since you are staying with the LAST Gnome version of Evo rather than
starting with the next one you can take the latest 2.28 service pack,
but I see no reason to suppose this LTS will be different than the last,
or any of the other Ubuntu releases, in terms of updates.  If the
problem is extremely bad (like my "deleting the entire inbox" bug)
something will get done, I suppose.  If it's just a regular old bug, the
devs will be off working on 10.10 and won't have time to deal with

And, I have no problem with that at all: I completely understand.  To
get a release out every 6 months you have to focus on the next one and
limit your efforts on the earlier ones, or nothing gets accomplished.
I'm fine with that normally... but in this case it'll be a year, not 6
months.  Which is much less pleasant.

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