White-on-black terminal should be default

Przemek Kulczycki przemekkulczycki at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 19:38:40 UTC 2010

On 3 March 2010 17:40, Tom H <tomh0665 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Everybody knows that a terminal has white text on black background.
>>> Windows has a terminal like this. Mac OS X have a terminal like this.
> OS X's terminal is a very civilized black text on white background...

Sun Microsystems SPARC-based workstations' console had a black text on
a light grey background.
I liked it because it was much easier on the eyes than white text on
black background.

## Przemysław Kulczycki <<=>> Azrael Nightwalker ##
# Jabber/XMPP/Gtalk/Tlen ID: azrael[na]jabster.pl #
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