Right click menu for indicator-applet and more!

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 18:09:20 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-03-05 at 11:47 -0600, Ted Gould wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-03-05 at 09:39 -0800, Dylan McCall wrote:
> > In my fix, I still have indicator-applet specifically only react to a
> > button 1 press, but it returns True instead of False so nothing else
> > will touch the button press event either. I did this because, while it
> > acting just like a normal menu would be beautiful (and a direction to
> > pursue when we do something about gnome-panel), it would be inconsistent
> > with all the other applets. The trained behaviour could cause the same
> > problem I describe here except for other applets instead, where users
> > may expect a right click to open the main menu as normal.
> > 
> > This is sort of a compromise. The user won't get the misleading menu,
> > the indicator icon only seems to hold a single menu, but he must left
> > click all the time. As for the applet menu, that goes on the applet's
> > handle bar. (And only there).
> That's how the applet was originally when it shipped in (was it Jaunty
> or Karmic, getting old...) and it was generally disliked.  One of the
> main reasons was that there was no way to move or remove the applet.
> So, adding the right click menu was a compromise for dealing with the
> idiosyncrasies of gnome-panel.  While I could never understand someone
> who wants to remove it from their panel, apparently there are those
> people who exist ;)
> 		--Ted

Thanks, Ted.

Indeed, I suspected something like that. However, let's not forget that
in Karmic the applet only ever had a single item and wasn't replacing
the notification area.

In Lucid, the addition of a handle doesn't double the applet's size and
there is going to be far less will to remove the applet since it isn't
performing a single task of debatable value :)


PS: Speaking of the notification area, I've always been curious: were
there any plans to have the indicator applet present system tray icons
as well, or is that always going to be two different applets?

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