White-on-black terminal should be default

Lucian Adrian Grijincu lucian.grijincu at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 08:34:45 UTC 2010

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 6:13 AM, Shentino <shentino at gmail.com> wrote:
> My personal opinion is that the default should be gray on black like the vc.
> For some reason the terminal colors just work better that way, particularly
> with midnight commander in a shell in a term.
> my two cents.

Opinions, opinions.
Everyone has a preferred setup.

There are people who hate "color ls" and always disable it.
And then there are others that can't tell directories and files apart
in "ls" if they're not colored differently.

You won't satisfy everyone.

Either setup a poll (on brainstorm, for example) or bring some proof
(a study proving one is better in this and that situation).

..: Lucian

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