itpp-config script for libitpp6-dbg and libitpp6gf
Giese, Jochen
jgiese at
Wed Jun 30 12:46:30 UTC 2010
Dear Ubuntu developers and package maintainers,
I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and develop software based on IT++ which is packaged in the following packages (Installed Version: 4.0.7-1)
all of the above are installed. Now when writing my own code, I want to link against the debug version of IT++ (needed to make sure range checking is enabled when accessing vectors). The required flags are supposed to be provided by the script /usr/bin/itpp-config. However, even though libitpp6-dbg is installed, itpp-config produces the following
qware at ubuntu:~$ which itpp-config
qware at ubuntu:~$ itpp-config --libs-debug
-L/usr/lib -litpp
qware at ubuntu:~$ itpp-config --debug --libs
-L/usr/lib -litpp
qware at ubuntu:~$ itpp-config --libs-opt
-L/usr/lib -litpp
I read this output as meaning that the flags for linking against the debug version are the same as for linking against the optimized version, thus I am linking against the optimized version of the library without debug symbols even though the request is for the debug library.
This appears to me to be a bug.
Now reading the properties of libitpp6-dbg, it appears that the library file is installed in /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/
How can I make sure I am linking against that library using similar flags as -L/usr/lib -litpp ? I tried -L/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib but that did not result in a program that does range-checking (or contains debug info).
Please let me know how to achieve this (if necessary without making use of itpp-config). That would be very much appreciated!
Thank you very much!
Best Regards
Jochen Giese
Jochen Giese, Ph.D.
Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH
Nordostpark 89
90411 Nuremberg, Germany
+49 (0) 911 540 13910 Phone
+49 (0) 911 540 13190 Fax
jgiese at
QUALCOMM CDMA Technologies GmbH, Franziskanerstr. 14
81669 Muenchen, Amtsgericht München, HRB 133031
Geschäftsführer: Warren L. Kneeshaw, James P. Lederer
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