Ubuntu falling behind?

Chris Coulson chrisccoulson at ubuntu.com
Mon Jun 28 08:59:12 UTC 2010

On Mon, 2010-06-28 at 15:43 +1000, Chris Jones wrote:
> Sorry Richard. I must have missed that email. Is it worth noting that
> Firefox has been updated to 3.6.6 already on my Windows work system.
> Will Ubuntu be skipping directly to the latest 3.6.6 when the update
> finally arrives?
> Regards
> -- 
> Chris Jones
> Photographic Imaging Professional and Graphic Designer
> ABN: 98 317 740 240
> Photo Resolutions - Photo Printing, Editing and Restorations
> Web: http://photoresolutions.freehostia.com
> Email: <chrisjones at comcen.com.au> or <ubuntu_cj at comcen.com.au>
Yes, we will be skipping 3.6.4 and going straight to 3.6.6. I will be
uploading 3.6.6 in to the PPA (link in my previous mail to the list)
this morning for Hardy, Jaunty, Karmic and Lucid (and will upload it
straight to the archive for Maverick)

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