How long is the queue for SRU requests?

Brian Murray brian at
Fri Jun 11 17:16:48 UTC 2010

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 07:46:08AM -0400, Evan wrote:
> I submitted a couple of SRU requests a while ago (for Lucid), and they
> haven't been looked at yet. I'm sure the SRU team is quite busy given
> that Lucid is an LTS, but I was wondering approximately how long is
> expected between submitting a request and it getting looked at by a
> member of the team. I'm starting to wonder if I missed a step.

It'd be helpful if you were to provide some information so somebody
could look into this issue.  Something like a bug number or information
about what you mean by "SRU requests".  Did you nominate a bug for
Lucid?  Did you add a debdiff to a bug report?

Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master
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