Is Ubuntu commited to free software?
David Schlesinger
lefty at
Thu Jun 10 16:51:27 UTC 2010
On 6/10/10 9:41 AM, "Remco" <remco47 at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 18:32, David Schlesinger
> <lefty at> wrote:
>> That would seem to be a lot less effort for those who don't especially care
>> about this, i.e. the ones you and others are asking to do this work on your
>> behalf.
> I'm not asking anyone to do anything.
Oh. Well, _Danny_ certainly was, and the way you were chiming in, it seemed
that you were attempting to buttress up his demands.
>> (If there's another common thread in these things, it seems to be the idea
>> that a bunch of other people who presumably have better things to do--and
>> are doing them--will simply _stop_ in order to cater to a demand presented
>> by someone who's not willing/able to do the heavy lifting themselves.)
Again, if you think something would be a good idea, there's no barrier to
your going out and doing it. Conversely, if you're not willing to do
anything about it, the conclusion is that you must not think it's _that_
terrific an idea.
>> Having gotten that authoritative answer, I'm _still_ not sure it would have
>> the slightest bit of relevance here. Go create a "FSF-Buntu" or something,
>> if you feel the burning need.
> Hostile, much? I'm not the one who proposed anything. I'm just trying
> to see the relevance of this proposal by posing the question whether
> the "Use only free software" option also fulfils this need. The need
> is obviously there. Not everybody shares your opinion of the FSF.
I'm not hostile, just bored by the "I discovered 'freedom' and got a
misplaced sense of entitlement at no extra charge!" crowd. As I recall, you
were one of the folks who chimed in last year to buttress Mark Fink's
demands for the removal of Mono from Ubuntu.
I'm quite aware that Richard Stallman, to give just one example, does not
share my opinion of the FSF. Given that polls I've conducted seem to
strongly suggest that fewer than one "open source community" member in ten
belongs to the FSF, I'd have to believe that a fair number of people _do_
share my opinion of the FSF, but that's entirely immaterial to the
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