Is Ubuntu commited to free software?
guthro at
Wed Jun 9 22:07:49 UTC 2010
>I understand that for many, "wouldn't play mp3s" is considered a
>feature, not a bug.
Could you explain why anyone thinks that? hanks.
On 6/9/2010 4:59 PM, Travis Beaty wrote:
> Hello. I'm usually a lurker on the list, but I feel a bit compelled to
> jump into the fray here.
> On Wed, 2010-06-09 at 16:49 -0400, John King wrote:
>> Ubuntu is targeted at a more mainstream user; that user more than likely wants his computer to
>> just work, even if that means proprietary software and/or binary blobs. One of those driver
>> blobs could mean the difference between 'Happy Ubuntu Convert' and 'Failed Ubuntu Convert'.
>> Trisquel is aimed at a user who is uncompromising in his/her pursuit of complete software
>> freedom; IMO a great goal and one that we should all work towards, but not one that really
>> encompasses the average computer user at this point.
> I'm the guy he's talking about here. Although I've now been using Linux
> long enough that I feel myself to be somewhere on the low side of
> intermediate in terms of what goes on under the hood, I feel that I'm a
> bit rare in that I didn't come to Linux because it was "open source
> software," but rather because it was "free as in beer." And actually,
> believe it or not, it wasn't technically free from a wallet perspective.
> I bought a copy of Mandrake from the clearance rack at Walmart for, I
> want to say, US$10 for something like that.
> In fact, I didn't even know (or care at the time) about open source
> software, GPL, Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, or anything else about
> the open source or Linux world. But what I did know was the Windows ME
> on the machine I had bought was an epic fail, and I couldn't find
> Windows 98 anywhere. So, to be blunt, I said "what the hell," grabbed
> the box with the penguin on it, and the rest is history.
> UNTIL I found Ubuntu, I had a love/hate relationship with Linux, where I
> would use it, go back to Windows, back to another distro, back to
> Windows, lather, rinse, and repeat. Ninety percent of the time, each of
> these iterations in the cycle was caused by something that just didn't
> work. Graphics didn't work right. Network card wouldn't be seen. And
> it wouldn't play mp3s.
> Now, I understand that for many, "wouldn't play mp3s" is considered a
> feature, not a bug. But ... for the mainstream user just coming over
> from the Windows world, not being able to play mp3s, or not being able
> to play DVDs equals *broke*. After all, they worked in Windows, but not
> Linux. To them, it is not a matter of free vs. proprietary, nor is it a
> matter of closed source vs. open source.
> It's a matter of works vs. broke. And as a mainstream user, I went
> through a ton of "broke" distros. I was even more frustrated with SuSE,
> when, in order to listen to mp3s, I had to add another independently
> maintained repo to yast, which completely hosed yast. And so, I went
> back to Windows.
> Now then. Having been involved in the Linux society and culture, I
> understand why closed-source software is shunned. However, I also see
> that, at this juncture, it is often necessary to make things work.
> Right now, I've got a wireless driver and a graphics driver that are
> proprietary. I know this because the Device Manager told me. I also
> have the restricted extras package installed.
> But Ubuntu works, and I've stuck with it ever since. It works. I can't
> repeat that enough. IT. WORKS. In my experience with Linux, I've
> noticed that over time, open source solutions to close sourced problems
> pop up, given enough eyeballs. Perhaps those are eyeballs like mine,
> the folks that see Ubuntu as a shining star because it works, and are
> coaxed into realizing the advantages of open source software. I believe
> you attract a lot more people if you give them something that works, but
> say "We believe this is a problem because it works, but it's closed
> source. Can you help?"
> It's better to walk along the fence line with folks who are new to
> Linux, as opposed to pelting them with rocks from fifty feet away and
> saying "If you want this to work, throw rocks with us." And honestly, I
> think one of the greatest issues that Linux, as an operating system, is
> struggling with right now is not the proprietary developers in front of
> it, but the wild fanatics behind it shooting it in the back of the head,
> yelling "Give me free or give me death."
> So, yes, I am committed to free software. But I also know the carrot
> works better than the stick, and the better it works out of the gate,
> the more eyeballs you have to open things up even more.
> Just my twelve cents. Your mileage may vary. And so forth.
> - Travis.
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