Why Nautilus and GNOME applications use URIs?

Damián Nohales damiannohales at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 02:20:02 UTC 2010

El 03/06/10 10:38, Chris Cheney escribió:
> On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 07:36 +0200, Aurélien Naldi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> when using Drag and Drop, nautilus switches from GIO/GVFS URI to local
>> path, depending on the drop target (i.e. it will paste a local path if
>> you drop to a gnome-terminal). I guess dropping on a gtk filechooser
>> assumes that the application is using GIO. It may need some special
>> casing for this case. On one hand, if an application is gtk-based it
>> really should use gio, on the other hand  I think at least firefox and
>> openoffice use gtk file chooser and won't use it.
>> For GIO-based applications, using the GIO URI is much better, but as
>> far as I remember, several applications transform local paths into GIO
>> URIs, so providing a local path should always work.
> Dragging files from nautilus and dropping on the file open dialog in OOo
> works for me. Ubuntu's OOo doesn't use URIs due to prior bugs and I
> converted it to using the local path (gvfs-fuse) which appears to work
> more reliably.
> Chris
Well, yes, OOo can handle the URI GVFS through the package 
"openoffice.org-gnome". But of course, the system must have the package, 
as one of the main programs of the distributionn, to support URI.
I refer to any application, not only for GNOME apps, that any user may 
need (the aforementioned Meld, Code:: Blocks, poEdit, and a long etc). 
These applications do not recognize URI with drag and drop, says can not 
open the file (the drag n drop not is the main problem, is only an example).

To which I go is, what is the power of abstraction GVFS / FUSE if you do 
not actually use? Is there any advantage to using URI instead of the 
local address (for certainly I saw it more problems than anything else, 
so I opened the thread)? Is it feasible to stop using the URI to improve 
compatibility (speaking on development concepts)? Do you really believe 
it would do more usable and convenient to the system?

Bueno, es cierto, OOo puede manejar las URI GVFS gracias al paquete 
"openoffice.org-gnome". Pero claro, lo debe tener, al ser un programa 
básico de la distribución, el soporte para URI.
Yo me refiero a cualquier aplicación, no solo las de GNOME, que 
cualquier usuario puede llegar a necesitar (el mencionado Meld, 
Code::Blocks, Poedit, y un largo etc). Estas aplicaciones a mi no me 
reconocen URI mediante arrastrar y soltar, dice que no se puede abrir el 
fichero (esto por poner un ejemplo).

A lo que voy es, ¿de qué sirve el poder de abstracción de GVFS/FUSE si 
realmente no se utiliza? ¿hay alguna ventaja en usar URI en lugar de la 
dirección local (porque ciertamente le vi mas problemas que otra cosa, 
por eso abrí el hilo)? ¿es factible dejar de usar las URI para mejorar 
la compatibilidad (hablando en conceptos de desarrollo)? ¿realmente 
creen ustedes que lo haría mas usable y cómodo al sistema?

Un Saludo!
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