Question about this list

Andrew SB a.starr.b at
Wed Jan 27 19:34:51 UTC 2010

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Amahdy <mrjava.javaman at> wrote:
> 2- I find it always difficult to keep updated with this kind of lists, what
> type of software do you use? please share it with me, I find it very
> difficult to rely on a kind of RSS because I want to hit "reply" and "quote"
> the part of the message that I like, is there an advanced feature for that?
> 3- The OpenSource managers, why they prefer this kind of lists usually? it
> ends to be a very old fashion and not user friendly at all, or whatdya
> think?

Well, I'd say it's as user friendly as your email client, which is of
course the best tool to follow an email list.

I see you have a gmail address. If you are subscribed to the list
click "show details" and then "Filter messages from this mailing
list." You can then set up a separate folder for the list and set it
to skip your inbox so it doesn't clutter more important emails.

-- Andrew SB

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