Samba 3.4.4

MPR mplistarchive at
Mon Jan 25 17:37:35 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 12:47 AM, Klaas TJEBBES
<klaas.tjebbes at> wrote:
> Does this mean that whatever happens, Samba 3.4.4 will be packaged for Lucid
> before February the 11th ?

No. The developers are taking packages from Debian testing for Lucid.
Debian testing only has 3.4.3 at the moment. 3.4.4 will be skipped
because 3.4.5 is already in Debian unstable. If 3.4.5 can move from
unstable into testing before the Lucid import freeze then Lucid will
have 3.4.5. Otherwise, Lucid will have 3.4.3.

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