Version naming

Marco Pallotta marco.pallotta at
Sun Jan 10 23:53:58 UTC 2010

Il giorno dom, 10/01/2010 alle 20.19 +0000, Mark Ellse ha scritto:
> Each version of Ubuntu has, effectively, three names. 
> For instance, the latest release is:
> Ubuntu Karmic          or is it Ubuntu 9.10?        or is it Ubuntu
> Koala?
> The presence of these three names makes it difficult to know how to
> search for issues with a particular version.
> It would be much better if each version of Ubuntu was always referred
> to by a single name and if two of these three ways of referring to a
> version were dropped.

To say the truth I don't think this is a real problem. The Ubuntu
version is, speaking about your example, 9.10 while its codename is
Karmic Koala. It's a sort of Ubuntu tradition. 
A typical user should only knows Ubuntu version (in fact from Ubuntu
home page you can see that you may download ubuntu 9.10 not Ubuntu
Karmic Koala).

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