proper procedure regarding bug reports

Patrick Freundt patrick.freundt at
Wed Jan 6 10:36:09 UTC 2010

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Robbie Williamson <robbie at> wrote:
> Is it a bug that we don't
> automatically enable and password protect your screensaver in Ubuntu?


> or that we don't automatically encrypt all your data?


> Perhaps you will get farther opening a bug with mozilla?...good luck

Yeah, and when users like me are supposed to talk to upstream
directly, then what is the point exactly that Canonical plays the
middleware with Ubuntu?

We dont talk about an unpleasant background color or desired or
unwanted functionality. We talk about a default configuration of a
browser that goes online to download data without my consent. And the
very least to expect is that its prompting with a dialog.

The reality is that after a long dispute with the Mozilla foundation
you Canonical guys have some mysterious agreement going that requires
you to ship that thing how they like it. And maybe thats okay for most
of your users, since they have no clue whats going on on their system

... but maybe Gentoo and other source based distributions are going to
have a revival and Canonical is discovered as the new Microsoft.

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