proper procedure regarding bug reports

Joao Pinto joao.pinto at
Tue Jan 5 22:59:49 UTC 2010

Then we have this mysterious guy from Portugal who feels the political
> dimension of the problem. He will try to defend the case in a heroic
> fashion. And when you believe that you finally made it and the problem
> is properly discussed amoung those guys who matter, the Canonical dude
> shows up and wipes it all out with a quicky: this is only desire and
> not a bug, classified "invalid". *BANG*

The mysterious guy from Portugal (myself) is one of the thousand mysterious
guys which participates on Free Software and Ubuntu.
I wish you the best luck finding someone "who matters" .

About the problem which you have reported, and per the discussion we had on
the bug my opinion is very clear, Ubuntu should be secure by default, it
shouldn't ask you for authorization to be secure.

Since so far you are the only person reporting the problem, let me ask, what
is the impact of the problem ?
What solution do you propose ?

There are plenty of bugs affecting mysterious guys and blocking them from
using a piece of equipment or performing a specific task.
In my opinion filling a bug for something that does not work as you expect
is reasonable, trying to get more attention when there is no clear impact,
is not.

Best regards,

João Luís Marques Pinto
GetDeb Team Leader
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