proper procedure regarding bug reports

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Tue Jan 5 21:44:40 UTC 2010

On 01/05/2010 02:56 PM, Patrick Freundt wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 9:43 PM, Remco <remco47 at> wrote:
>> You can start a topic on if you're not comfortable with IRC.
> Just so I get this straight - you aswell as Brian Murray suggest, that
> bug reporting can not be handled within launchpad alone, and instead I
> should wear myself out on IRC or forums, until I collected enough
> people who will flame the heck out of that Canonical guy who took a
> political decision and set the bug status to "invalid"?
> Well, ok. If that is how Ubuntu works, then good luck guys :)
> P.

No, this is not correct. You do not need to wear yourself out on IRC or
the forums.

And there is no flaming needed. In fact flaming (or aggressiveness) is
not, usually, a good way to get constructive attention.

You reported a bug. Good. Now, what usually happens is (eventually) some
people will look at it, and add their comments/views on the issue. It
may take a time -- we have more bugs, and bug reporters clamoring for
attention than we have people available.

A bug will, eventually, be confirmed by *other* people having the same
issue, or by a triager that is able to reproduce it. It is not just
because one feels it is a bug, someone else *must* feel the same. Which,
BTW, does not really make it --yet -- in a real bug. This is how it
works. What Brian and Remco suggested was for you to spearhead the
process -- which you do not want to do. No problems, you can just wait.
But you do *not* want to wait. You want the maintainer, and only the
maintainer, to look at it.

Eventually someone would get there. But you wanted to speed up the
process, and you got some answers on how to do it. And you dismissed
them. I do not understand your reasoning here.


You reported a problem. The issue is now understood. Someone took a
decision on it. You do not agree with it but, (again) instead of
reasoning, you keep on being aggressive.

Ah well.


p.s. by the way, I agree with your bug point -- I do not like programmes
calling home, or elsewhere, without my explicit consent. But I do not
see this as a such a big issue -- I can always stop using the package,
or configure it *not* to do that

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