Including usb-modeswitch in default installation?

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at
Thu Feb 25 06:40:47 UTC 2010

2010/2/24 Peteris Krisjanis <pecisk at>:
> I fully agree with you Scott, however I am not sure which one of us
> should start discussion there. Would be nice for you Ubuntu guys to
> start pushing this idea, because you have some backing.
> Anyway, I'm subscribing to that list and if no one will volunteer, I
> will try to initialize discussion.

It looks to me Josh from usb-modeswitch has the technical capability
of explaining why usb-modeswitch is the way forward, and has also
implied that modem-modeswitch of udev has already been abandoned by
the upstream. Unfortunately he has just started his vacation (see the
usb-modeswitch forum), so there is not going to be immediate "backup"
from him. If you think you can express his ideas and references [1]
from his postings well enough, you can start the discussion on
linux-hotplug. Just try to be as polite as possible, since I don't
know what we are touching here :) But so far it seems that Red Hat's
Dan William has abandoned modem-modeswitch, and if also Josh's
argument about "it cannot be solved correctly in kernel space only" is
accepted, then usb-modeswitch is the natural way to go forward -
possibly by integrating it to udev.



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