Including usb-modeswitch in default installation?

Josua Dietze digidietze at
Mon Feb 15 22:42:46 UTC 2010

Alan Pope schrieb:

> Perhaps if some of the more irritating bugs in usb_modeswitch and 
> network_manager around 3g connections were fixed, yes. Some
> specifics: ...

The bug you point to is related to a change in the SCSI/USB storage
code which exposed a quirk in Huawei devices. This caused a RESET to
be sent which threw the devices back to install mode. In the worst
cases the kernel switching code ("e220_init") then switched them to
modem mode, the card slot exposed the quirk again and the circle was
complete, making the devices switch back and forth.

The quirk is dealt with in higher kernel versions, and additionally a
"no_reset" switch was introduced to mark devices that could lose their
state when getting a reset command.

Nothing of this had any relation to usb_modeswitch.

Josua Dietze

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