Fsck stops at boot, how to debug?

Dane Mutters dmutters at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 02:37:45 UTC 2010

If you are unable to complete fsck on that partition from the live CD, you
may have a bad hard drive (bad sectors, etc.).  To test for that, boot onto
a live CD, open a Terminal, and use this command:

sudo badblocks -svb 4096 /dev/sda

This will test the integrity of hard drive "/dev/sda".  Please note that
even 1 bad sector means that the hard drive is bad (I can elaborate on this
if necessary) and needs replacement.


P. S. I've been a computer repair technician for many years.  If you have
further questions, you can email me directly.

P. P. S. I accidentally hit the "reply" button instead of the "reply to all"
button, at first.  Sorry if you get two copies of this email.

On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 1:06 AM, Markus Hitter <mah at jump-ing.de> wrote:

> Am 05.02.2010 um 09:42 schrieb David MENTRE:
> > The regular fsck that occurs at the boot of my Ubuntu Karmic x86_64
> > machine is stopping (once at 83%, once at 90%). The disk is inactive
> > (led off). I can reboot the machine through Ctrl+Alt+Del.
> >
> > How can I debug such a situation?
> Boot off a live CD (or another partition) and do the fsck manually.
> If it still insists to fsck at boot time, hit the Esc key, this
> should abort checking.
> Markus
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter
> http://www.jump-ing.de/
> --
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