SLS introduction

Jacob Peddicord jpeddicord at
Tue Aug 17 01:06:40 UTC 2010

Hello devel-discuss,

Recently I've finished up a Google Summer of Code project relating to
system service management. These packages are jobservice and
jobs-admin, and you may have heard of them on the Planet. If you're
curious, install jobs-admin in maverick and give things a go from
System > Administration > System Jobs.

I've written a short post[1] on SLS (service-level settings), a
framework that makes it easy for users to change basic config options.
An analogy is that jobservice and SLS are the PackageKit of service
management; that is to say that they should work the same on many
different platforms where supported.

If you maintain a system service (ie, you install something into
/etc/init.d or /etc/init) I would love if you would take a look at
that post and the short screencast[2][3]. I promise the video won't
bore you too much. :) If that piques your interest, I'd *really*
appreciate if you took a peek at the full documentation[4] for the
format and provided feedback.

Furthermore, if you have any comments on the concept of SLS itself or
service settings, please send them my way. We want to make this the
best system for managing services, including integrating jobservice
into other applications to automate some processes.

Finally, if you maintain a service and are brave, curious, or just
have some free time, why not give writing a quick SLS file a shot?
Give me a ping on IRC (jacob) or email and I'll help you out.

Thanks for listening!

(low quality)
[3] (high quality)

Jacob Peddicord

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