Reintroducing packages throught -proposed

Stefano Rivera stefanor at
Sun Aug 15 16:20:52 UTC 2010

Hi Lionel (2010.08.15_17:48:56_+0200)
> AFAIK (and according to LP), it wasn't autosynced but instead
> reintroduced manually by a developer using syncpackage

I sponsored that (using syncpackage). And yes it had to go through NEW
again. Was there someone else I should have asked?

> I wasn't really happy about libstdc++ returning to maverick

I've had users on my back about the removal of libstdc++5, so when I saw
this (and it didn't look too evil) I sponsored it.
We don't poorly packaged proprietary software, but our users still want
to run it...


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 465 6908 C: +27 72 419 8559  UCT: x3127

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