[RFC] MP3 player management via Rhythmbox etc.

John Moser john.r.moser at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 18:37:35 UTC 2010

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Brandon Holtsclaw
<me at brandonholtsclaw.com> wrote:
>> I use Rhythmbox.  I don't care about Amarok, or whatever.  This will
>> be framed for Rhythmbox; as for Kubuntu and whatever else, just cry
>> "Feature Parity" until someone duplicates work solving the same
>> problem again.
> No need. In this case, Amarok since 1.4-ish has handled media players
> both generic and branded ones ( even media cards ) in this way, I think
> this will be one of those rare cases where the shoes of feature parity
> are reversed :)

Interesting.  So Amarok will automatically sync based on playlists
assigned to devices; automatically transcode to whatever formats I set
per device; and automatically perform space-savings measures if it
finds that i.e. the device supports FLAC but it's now full and there's
plenty of FLAC files on there that could be encoded to Vorbis or MP3?

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