Thoughts on quitting and window controls

Milosz Derezynski internalerror at
Wed Apr 7 16:56:02 UTC 2010

I think even better would be a different icon. Instead of an "X" it would be
a different icon designating that this button minimizes into the tray. That
way we would save on one more button and still have the feature we need.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Ryan Dwyer <ryandwyer1 at> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Jonathan Blackhall <
> at> wrote:
>> > I like the new button idea. It could be only on applications that
>> > could be minimized to the tray.
>> The button has actually been discussed previously:
>> I actually don't think the new button is a particularly elegant or
>> ideal solution, but it also wouldn't be terrible.  I just wish there
>> was a way to build a solution into the current workflow without
>> needing to add an additional button to confuse people.
> Maybe it could be made more obvious by changing the colour of the button.
> For example, red (current) if the button will close the application, and
> orange if it will only close the window and leave the app running in the
> notification area.
>> > Maybe you want to put this problem/solution ideas on the brainstorm
>> > website. Then people can vote what solution they like best.
>> I'd rather start the discussion here.  You're free to submit the idea
>> and propose a solution there, though.
>> Cheers,
>> Jonathan
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