FW: RSS Reader in Lucid

Shane.Nuessler Shane.Nuessler at canberra.edu.au
Tue Apr 6 23:37:26 UTC 2010

Dear Ubuntu Dev's,


I've added my own RSS reader to the 10.04 beta and I'm wondering why
there isn't an obvious way to subscribe to RSS feeds in 10.04. This is a
common method of subscribing to info as you know. I installed yarssr
which conveniently adds a panel plugin and warns me of updates to blog
feeds. As a use case example, I just want to access my RSS subscriptions
from the panel, and I don't use Evolution for mail or it's RSS features
if it has any.

Not even Gwibber seems to be able to subscribe to an RSS feed, and my
friends and colleagues have blogs that I need to stay up to date with.


By the way, I've put an idea to gnome dev's that gnome-shell be based on
a drag-able layout plugin system. IE, I want to be able to change where
things are placed, and I want to be able to add and remove "services" to
suit my needs. Shouldn't the overlay be a customizable space? Maybe I
don't want to see my windows in the overlay. How much space in the
overlay could be freed up for other "activities". Maybe social network
activities? In which case I would have a window switcher outside the
overlay. Is there only one way people use computers? In my view there
should be a layout manager, and everything on the overlay should be a
plugin with the option of adding and removing them. I believe this model
would also suit any number of monitors, provided the layout manager knew
how to work with them.





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