missing Trash shortcut into shortcuts menu of the top panel

Kjell Le kjele at student.uio.no
Sun Apr 4 20:38:21 UTC 2010

Too bad 12 inch laptop is too difficult to use for senior people.
Whether you are old or young if you cannot adapt and willing to learn
new stuff you might find the current setting unsuitable. The desktop
version of Ubuntu is optimized for bigger screens. Alternative is for
you to customize everything or use other windows manager. For a 12
inch laptop I suggest a tiling windows manager like Xmonad.

On 4 April 2010 22:28, Jérôme Bouat <jerome.bouat at wanadoo.fr> wrote:
>> Well the easiest way I guess is to buy a bigger monitor.
> Not on a 12 inches laptop on which I DO NOT want to install the netbook
> flavor of Ubuntu.
> Kjell Le a écrit :
>> Well the easiest way I guess is to buy a bigger monitor.
>> On 4 April 2010 20:41, Erik Andersen <erik.b.andersen at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> (reply bottom posted)
>>> On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 07:23, Jérôme Bouat <jerome.bouat at wanadoo.fr>
>>> wrote:
>>>>  > You ask the developers to "give the user the choice of his/her
>>>> desktop
>>>>  > customization". You have that choice, as demonstrated by your own
>>>> Currently not because I have to open my personnal folder, next I'm
>>>> searching where to open the trash.
>>>> It isn't currently easy. I would like a "Trash" shortcut into the
>>>> "Shortcuts" menu.
>>>> I think the "Trash" shortcut should be the minimum feature before adding
>>>> a "Downloads" folder, etc.
>>>> --
>>> I'm quite sure what 'Shortcuts' menu you are talking about, but I'm
>>> guessing you are talking about the "Places" menu?
>>> Anyway, it works just fine for me to go to the trash in nautilus and
>>> then click Bookmarks > Add Bookmark. Doing that adds a Trash shortcut
>>> to the places menu.
>>> So I would say you have a way to do what you want. As far as the
>>> defaults, I personally think they are just fine the way they are and
>>> are well thought out.
>>> --Erik Andersen
>>> --
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